The Truth Behind Dirt Sheet Marks Part Deuce

The Truth Behind Dirt Sheet Marks Part Deuce

When we last left, I was about to explain to you WHO those “Top Guys” are that many “Dirt Sheet Writers” claim to get their “Top Secret” Information from. Well, those people can be easily summed up in one word: RATS.

That’s right, the lowest form, scum of the earth, insecure individuals who have a clear-cut agenda and are basically looking for two things:


Yes, those are the only reasons they are “ratting others out.” For starters, if they “leak” information to a “Dirt Sheet Writer,” true or false, that DSW (Dirt Sheet Writer) is forever going to PUT THEM OVER in order to stay in their good graces, so they are assured of receiving even MORE Gossip and Dirt. Now, when they PUBLICALLY write about the Rats feeding them, those RATS can no longer DO ANY WRONG.

Look at those who the DSWs have consistently revered over the past 1-3 decades, and you will EASILY be able to pick out who the Scum Suckers are. WHO are they ALWAYS PUTTING OVER, NO MATTER WHAT? They can cut the SHITTIEST, SAME OLD, STALE, REPETITIVE PROMO every Monday Night, and it will be written about as if it were Brando reading Shake sphere. You give me DIRT—I tell the WORLD how GREAT you are. That’s the name of the game . . . and that’s just PART of the trade-off.

Here’s the second motivating factor—the RATS have somebody in particular that THEY WANT TO BURY—most of the time, it’s somebody that they’re competing with for a job or a “spot.” I myself was a victim of this years back, when one of my peers who absolutely LOATHED me, reported to a “Veteran” DSW that I was the cause for Spike TV not renewing their television contract with TNA, when neither I nor the Source, were even EMPLOYED by TNA at the time. And, of course, the DSW RAN WITH IT, with there being absolutely ZERO CREEDENCE to the tale.

Yeah, man, this is a fine art that has been going on since “Pre-Bruno.” You give me the Dirt; I will put you Over and Bury your adversaries. This is how the system works. This is where they get their “Inside Information.” It’s a scam and a scam that they sell to unknowing fans as “truth.” The ironic thing is that 95% of the time, it’s as far from the truth as you can even imagine.

This way of “doing business” is why I am so hated by all of them. You see what I’m doing right now—I’ve been doing since day one. As a New Yawker, I call out BULL SHIT when I see it. My failure to ever be a part of their dirty, slimy, disgusting game is the driving reason why they all write about Vince Russo like he’s the absolute “Antichrist” of Professional Wrestling. If I cared . . . I don’t think I’d be writing this.

Then the race is on—who is going to “BREAK THE SCOOP” first? That’s what it’s really all about. Believe it or not, it’s not about the money. The majority of these “snakes” aren’t even in it for the money. No, they do it so they can now “feel” like they are actually part of a Business that they never even spent ONE DAY in. They are now necessary. They are now RELEVANT. They are now legit. They are now on “THE INSIDE.”

And, I would guess that there is such a need inside of them to fill this want simply because, at the core—they know that they are nothing more than “fans with an opinion.” They long to be part of a world that, quite frankly, they don’t belong in.

Do I have a problem with Dirt Sheet Writers? You bet your ARSE I do. Why? Because they are not who they say they are. They are FRAUDS, making a name for themselves at the expense of other people. And, you know what . . . they don’t care. If it makes them “part of the game,” they would give their own mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers up. Unfortunately, the cold, hard truth is that they AREN’T a part of the game, never have been, and never will be. They are glorified fans, and the fact that they do everything in their power to shield that is literally the biggest joke of all.

Me, I have NO PROBLEM saying that I’m a fan. I just started Vince Russo’s Fantasy Baseball Program (, and on DAY ONE, I made it CLEAR to my Paying Customers that I’m not an “Insider,” I don’t talk to “Top Players,” and I HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME. No, I’ve enjoyed playing fantasy baseball for the last 25 years, and this is my passion which I’m now sharing with you.

Easy. Done. So, why is it so difficult for them?