Talk Is Jericho: Holidays From Hell: Top 10 Festive Frights With Darcy The Mail Girl

Talk Is Jericho: Holidays From Hell: Top 10 Festive Frights With Darcy The Mail Girl

It’s the 5th Annual TIJ Halloween Spooktacular with Darcy The Mail Girl from The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs! And this year, CJ & Darcy are paying tribute to the #1 movie in America (at least at the time of recording) – Terrifier 3 – with their Top 10 picks for best horror movies that take place during holidays. They’ve got Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and April Fool’s Day covered with everything from Critters to Jaws to Thankskilling to Frogs. But… how many of these has Chris actually seen? And what movie ranks #1 on their respective lists? Happy Halloween!

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