Luke Harper Only Found Out About His WWE Return On Friday

Luke Harper Only Found Out About His WWE Return On Friday

It was thought that Luke Harper wouldn’t appear for WWE again after he publicly made it known he wanted his release from the company. WWE declined his request, fearing he’d go to AEW and added the time he had missed injured to his contract and would pay him to stay home until April 2020.

That changed late last week as WWE contacted Harper on Friday and told him to be in North Carolina for Clash of Champions on Sunday.

Harper was kept off the PPV format sheet and didn’t appear backstage until the Reigns vs. Rowan match had already started.

While Reigns was primed to hit a spear on Rowan, Harper appeared and hit a big boot on Reigns. Rowan and Harper would double team Reigns, and Rowan won after hitting the iron claw slam.

The plan now is for Rowan and Harper against Reigns and a tag partner at Hell In A Cell. You can guess who’ll be taking the pin in that match!

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