CM Punk Turned Down Knock-Off Version Of Entrance Music

CM Punk Turned Down Knock-Off Version Of Entrance Music

Living Colour’s biggest hit, “Cult Of Personality,” has become synonymous with CM Punk. Punk has used the song as his entrance music across multiple companies for multiple decades. If WWE had their way, that might not have been the case. 

Living Colour frontman Corey Glover appeared recently on the “Drinks With Johnny” podcast, and he revealed that WWE originally wanted to do a knock-off version of the song for Punk. 

“Back in the day when Punk was first going to WWE, they’re like, ‘Okay, so we’re gonna get you your own entrance music,’” Glover said. “He’s like, ‘No, I already have my own entrance music.’ He made it a point that I’m not changing my entrance music cause they had their own music division of the WWE and they were gonna have somebody make up a song that sounded similar to ‘Cult Of Personality’ and that would be his entrance music. ‘No, I don’t want that, I want the real song.’ He’s one of the talent that has got that in his contract that wherever he goes, it goes with him.”

Glover previously told The Logan Show. “I think if it weren’t for that song, I’d be working for UPS. How about that? If it weren’t for that song and the evergreen nature of that song, because it seems like every so often it pops up in very interesting places — with CM Punk or the video games or Guitar Hero or even within the political discourse, where people use it and quote it on newscasts. It has a weird sort of continuing life that I am very happy and very grateful that it exists.”

The song comes from Living Colour’s “Vivid” album, which was the first record by an all-black rock band to win a Grammy. Glover’s appearance on “Drinks With Johnny” can be viewed below. 

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