WWE Planning On Celebrating Hulkamania

WWE Planning On Celebrating Hulkamania

Hulkamania began running wild in 1984 when Hulk Hogan won his first WWE World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Iron Sheik at Madison Square Garden. Subsequently, Hogan became the biggest pro wrestling star in the world and helped take WWE global. And now, 40 years on, WWE insider @WrestleVotes is reporting that the company plans to celebrate the 80s pop culture phenomenon with a new range of merchandise. However, at present, the man himself isn’t scheduled to appear on television.

70-year-old Hogan retired from the ring back in 2012 following two house show matches for TNA in the UK. And while he has regularly teased making a comeback to have a fitting retirement match, the fact he walks with a cane nowadays due to having had the nerves in his lower back cut makes that unlikely. Nevertheless, he remains a significant part of wrestling history, and thanks to having a working relationship with WWE, his legacy of Hulkamania lives on.