Vince McMahon Planning WWE Return Despite New Lawsuits

Vince McMahon Planning WWE Return Despite New Lawsuits

Vince McMahon retired from WWE in shame earlier this year, following a series of hush-money agreements coming to light thanks to the Wall Street Journal. And now the publication has posted a follow-up revealing that former referee Rita Chatterton is now suing McMahon for claims he forced himself on her in the back of a limo in the 80s, as well as a former spa manager who alleges she was assaulted by him in 2011. However, despite these new lawsuits, it is also reported that McMahon is planning on making a comeback to WWE, feeling he had lousy advice. As he believes everything would have blown over if he’d remained in his role.

Vince McMahon has also told people that he intends to make a comeback at WWE, saying he got bad advice from people close to him to step down and that he now believes the allegations and investigations would have blown over had he stayed.

Since McMahon stepped down, his daughter, Stephanie, along with Nick Khan, took over his CEO role, while Triple H replaced him in creative. And while television ratings have fluctuated under the new leadership team, most notably for WWE, their stock price increased post-McMahon, which made the shamed promoter even richer. Seemingly though, it is now only a matter of time until he returns, and it will be fascinating to see whether he undoes the work his replacements have done or continues with their vision.