Vince McMahon Defends WWE’s Relationship With Saudi Arabia

Vince McMahon Defends WWE’s Relationship With Saudi Arabia

Vince McMahon appeared on The Pat McAfee Show this past Thursday, and while it wasn’t a hard-hitting interrogation, it was certainly worth watching as McMahon would open up for the first time in several years on multiple topics. Among them was WWE’s controversial relationship with Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Entertainment, with McMahon reasoning that just because Americans feel a certain way doesn’t mean thousands of year-old cultures shouldn’t be respected.

People love western culture all over the world. They don’t love our government, but they love western culture. Our form of entertainment with WWE kind of fits into everything. It’s larger than life. It’s like, everything imaginable, like, “Oh my god, the spectacle of it.” So, it fits in everywhere.

Vince McMahon

Saudi is no different. Again, people are people, and cultures are cultures, and you have to respect that. Just because we as Americans, “This is the way our world should be. Like us. We know the way, and any other way is just not the right way.” Come on, culture’s been around thousands of years.

Vince McMahon

Many critics of WWE say the company accepts blood money in exchange for sports washing a country that doesn’t permit LGBT equality, commits human rights abuses, and suppresses women. Defenders, though, will say WWE is helping improve things, and Saudi wrestling fans who attend the shows are not to blame for their government. The whole situation is obviously incredibly complex, and ultimately McMahon and WWE feel the positives from the deal outweigh the negatives.