The Undertaker Explains His Hatred Of Cucumbers

The Undertaker Explains His Hatred Of Cucumbers

Thanks to wrestling shoot interviews, it’s been known for some time that The Undertaker has an irrational hatred of cucumbers. And now, during a Q&A session on his Patreon, the WWE Hall of Famer has not only acknowledged the claim is true but also explained that it is because he got really sick as a child after eating the popular salad ingredient.

“When I was just a wee little Undertaker, like a kindergarten, first-grade Undertaker, I came home from school one day. My mother had taken a bunch of fresh cucumbers and cut them up into slices, and had them soaking in a big bowl of vinegar. It was that day. it was the greatest thing ever. So I proceeded to eat the whole bowl of cucumbers soaked in vinegar.

Well, something about that didn’t settle well with my stomach. Shortly after I ate all of the cucumbers, I expelled all of the contents of my stomach. From that moment on, the smell, for a long time, even to see a cucumber, I would get somewhat, I wouldn’t say nauseous but queasy. Smell a cucumber? Forget about it. My stomach is just like…it’s like my mouth starts watering. So that’s why I hate cucumbers because I ate too many once as a child, left a horrible, horrible scar in my memory of how bad I threw up. How sick that I got.”

The Undertaker

Apparently, over the years, both Paul Bearer and Owen Hart would use The Undertaker’s hatred of cucumbers as a tool to prank him, with the duo not only hiding them in his gear but also putting slices in his food and drinks. Additionally, it’s understood that The Undertaker isn’t a fan of tomatoes; however, it is clear his uneasiness with them isn’t as severe as his cucumber phobia, as he will still use ketchup on his food.