Fans Speculate Bray Wyatt’s WWE Return Included Tributes To Brodie Lee

Fans Speculate Bray Wyatt’s WWE Return Included Tributes To Brodie Lee

Fans are buzzing following the return of Bray Wyatt to WWE after weeks of teases via QR codes. With millions of views across WWE’s various social media accounts, indicating fans can’t get enough of the impressive production. And now, upon rewatches, fans are noticing what may be subtle references to Wyatt’s past, with there potentially being d two nods to his close friend Brodie Lee who tragically passed away in 2020.

The most obvious of these is that the light used appears to be comparable to that used when Lee debuted in AEW as the Exalted One. With there also being speculation that Sister Abigail’s distorted face, seen when she was shown in the crowd, was based on the mask Lee wore as one of the Bludgeon Brothers.

Of course, both of those could simply be a coincidence. However, considering how much planning has likely gone into this return and how it’s known Wyatt is a stickler for detail, it does appear deliberate. And if so, it just shows how much Lee meant to him, and in a small way, helps ensure his memory lives on through Wyatt having been part of his cult-inspired faction between 2012 and 2017.