Chris Jericho’s 6 Best Film & TV Roles

Chris Jericho’s 6 Best Film & TV Roles

Today, we’re diving into the dynamic world of Jericho, exploring the six best film and TV roles that have showcased the versatility and talent of this star. From the silver screen to the television set, Jericho has left an indelible mark, with performances that range from heartwarming to downright intense.

1. The Hospital Attendant—“Terrifier 2” (Film)

Any review you see reviewing “Terrifier 2” will not do this film justice. If you like gambling or sports betting, you wouldn’t just look at one BetUS Review and call it a day—you would look up three, four, or even five reviews before making your decision. The same should be done here—this film is divisive, to say the least.

If you have a penchant for horror that sends shivers down your spine, “Terrifier 2” is a must-watch. Building on the cult following of its predecessor, this film takes the horror genre to new heights—or depths, depending on your perspective. While Jericho only plays a small cameo role in this movie, as Burke, an attendant at a psychiatric hospital, it is still one of the biggest movies he has featured in.

Expect blood, gore, and a relentless sense of dread that will leave you peeking through your fingers.

2. The Creepy Farmer—”Albino Farm” (Film)

“Albino Farm” takes a different route, venturing into the horror genre with a touch of rural folklore. Directed by Joe Anderson and Sean McEwen, the film centers around a group of college students who stumble upon a backwater town harboring a dark secret.

As they explore the infamous Albino Farm, the eerie atmosphere and local legends come to life. Playing the role of the enigmatic figure of Levi, Jericho plays a significant role in Albino Farm and contributes to the plot in multiple ways.

3. The Unforgiving Android—”Android Apocalypse” (Movie)

Switching gears to sci-fi, “Android Apocalypse” presents a dystopian vision of a world where robots turn against humanity. Directed by Paul Ziller, the film follows the story of a man and an android who form an unlikely alliance in a post-apocalyptic landscape.

Playing the support character TeeDee, Jericho plays a substantial role in Android Apocalypse by giving guidance and protection to the main character. As machines revolt and chaos ensues, the film explores themes of survival, trust, and the consequences of unchecked technological advancement.

4. The Sharknado Savior—”Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!” (Movie)

Get ready for a wild ride as Jericho jumps into the outrageous world of “Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!”. Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante, this installment in the Sharknado franchise takes the over-the-top tornado of sharks to a whole new level.

If you want to see a sillier side of Jericho, look for him playing the role of Bruce the ride attendant, where he operates a rollercoaster amidst a full-blown shark apocalypse.

As the title suggests, the film is a delightful cocktail of sharks, tornadoes, and a healthy dose of self-aware humor. It’s a wild ride that doesn’t take itself too seriously, making it a guilty pleasure for fans of B-movie mayhem.

5. The Country Crooner—”Country Hearts” (Movie)

In the movie “Country Hearts”, Chris Jericho takes on the role of Bones Jamieson. Bones is portrayed as a father, ranch owner, and former rock star who has chosen to step away from the spotlight and start a horse farm.

The film revolves around family-oriented drama, showcasing Jericho’s acting talents as he grapples with various challenges. This marks Chris Jericho’s first lead acting role in a movie.

6. The Aquatic Expert—”Tanked” (TV Series)

Leaving the fictional realms behind, let’s dive into the reality TV series “Tanked”. Following the escapades of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing (ATM), a company that specializes in creating custom aquariums, this show provides a unique blend of creativity, craftsmanship, and a behind-the-scenes look at the world of tank building.

In the season premiere of the show, Chris Jericho had a unique request: He wanted a custom fish tank that resembled a championship belt and also contained his “List of Jericho”. The episode follows the crew as they try to create a tank worthy of Jericho’s numerous accolades.


As we wrap up our cinematic journey through Jericho’s best film and TV roles, one thing becomes abundantly clear—this star is not confined to a single genre or typecast into a particular role. From detectives to animated heroes, from historical icons to quirky sidekicks, Jericho has embraced a multitude of characters, leaving an indelible mark on the world of entertainment.

Here’s to Jericho, the versatile actor who continues to surprise and delight audiences with each new role. Whether he’s unraveling mysteries, inspiring underdogs, or exploring uncharted territories, one thing remains certain, Jericho is a star of many shades, and the cinematic landscape is brighter for it. If you want more of Jericho, check out the upcoming Terrifier 3, which is set to come out in the near future.

Graham Douglas