WWE Performer Explains Their Recent Absence From The Ring

WWE Performer Explains Their Recent Absence From The Ring

Following a three-month absence from the ring, Apollo Crews returned to television this week for Main Event in a match against Ludwig Kaiser. And while the current Raw talent wasn’t victorious, he has now taken to Instagram to express his happiness at just being back in the ring and revealed he was missing because of an injury.

“Had a little injury that kept me out for a few months. Felt great being back in the ring. 💎

Apollo Crews

36-year-old Crews began training to be a wrestler at the age of 21 under former WWE and WCW performer Mr. Hughes. He would initially wrestle under the name Uhaa Nation, and his big break would come via Dragon Gate USA and their parent company, Dragon Gate in Japan. Subsequently, he would sign for WWE in 2014 following a successful tryout and has since worked for all three of the promotions brands. However, despite being a former United States and Intercontinental Champion, he has most recently been relegated to appearing on Main Event, seemingly due to a lack of creative.