Shocking Video Surfaces Of As I Lay Dying Singer & His Dog

Shocking Video Surfaces Of As I Lay Dying Singer & His Dog
Original Photo Credit: Sven Mandel, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The news surrounding embattled As I Lay Dying singer Tim Lambesis continues to get odder and more shocking. Late last year, everyone but Lambesis quit the band with now ex-members saying that the group was no longer a safe working environment. Not long after that, disturbing videos surfaced of the singer and his wife arguing in which Lambesis overturned a table and began punching himself. 

Now, home security footage has leaked of Lambesis abusing his dog. The first clip shows an angered Lambesis walking through his home where he seemingly goes out of his way to kick his pet. The second part of the clip shows him striking his dog to get him off the couch before flexing at it and letting it outside. The scared dog can be seen running to the door with its tail down. 

Lambesis was previously convicted and sentenced to six years in prison for soliciting the murder of his estranged wife. 

The disturbing video can be viewed below, but viewer discretion is advised. 

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