NXT’s Jordan Myles Calls Out Vince McMahon And Triple H Over Racist T-Shirt

NXT’s Jordan Myles Calls Out Vince McMahon And Triple H Over Racist T-Shirt

Jordan Myles, previously known as ACH in ROH, has taken WWE to task over a racist t-shirt they released for him, which angered him so much he decided to publically criticize the company.

It features his ring name inside a smile and shares similarities of the racist caricatures seen with white performers in blackface from old-time minstrel shows.

Interestingly the t-shirt was released a month ago and quickly removed from sale, but Myles chose to make his objection public today.

As you can see below, he tagged in both Vince McMahon and Triple H, which may not be the wisest move for his career progression, but you have to respect him for making a stand.

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