Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda Opens Up About Working With Chester Bennington

Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda Opens Up About Working With Chester Bennington
Original Photo Credit: Marchett, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Linkin Park has dominated rock headlines in recent months for the addition of their new vocalist Emily Armstrong. On a recent Linkin Park podcast, however, band co-founder Mike Shinoda reflected on the group’s past, most notably talking about the ease with which he could write music with the band’s late frontman Chester Bennington. 

“I could feed him ideas, and he could bring them to life like nobody else,” Shinoda said. “It was amazing and I didn’t know any better. I hadn’t had so much experience with anybody else, right? So I was just like – this is just what it’s like to have a really good singer that you can say, ‘Hey, what about this? Here’s an idea.’ And they try it, and then you both go ‘High-five, that’s great!'”

He continued: “When I started working with other people, I realized that it’s harder to find, that’s unusual. They’re really good at singing, and I think I know how to write a vocal. And then we get together, and we do it, and everybody’s good at what they do. There’s other people in the room, everybody’s good at what they do. And yet, the thing we made is…it’s good, it’s fine. It’s a B+.”

Shindoa said that in some instances while writing with other musicians, however, something was still missing. “In the beginning, anybody who writes a song, as you’re writing it, you love it,” he explained. “And then the next day, or a couple days later, you go, ‘It’s got a lot of problems. There’s something missing. I don’t know what’s missing?'”

“I started to realize over time, there’s something else. There’s an unknown thing that you can’t quantify. You can’t measure it, you can’t plan it. It just… It’s either there or it’s not. And that was the thing that we ended up looking for, more than anything. I think finally now we’ve got it.”

The full episode can be heard below.

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