Latest Report Regarding Sasha Banks & WWE Claims “It’s A Money Situation”

Latest Report Regarding Sasha Banks & WWE Claims “It’s A Money Situation”

Sasha Banks walked out on WWE over six months ago, and since then, there have been multiple contracting stories regarding her future. And with her recently trademarking Mercedes Mone’ it was thought by many she could be AEW bound. Now though, Dave Melzer, on his Wrestling Observer Radio show, has revealed that the last he’d heard, she had been in talks with WWE about a new contract, although he does note it was some ago and at the time money was the holdup.

You know, they’re in contract talks and the last I heard, you know it’s a money situation and that was a long time ago, so I don’t know where it stands right now.

Dave Meltzer

Whatever Banks’ future is, it appears fans will know momentarily, as a few weeks ago, she would take to social media to say she is going to make the most of November, adding, “there’s going to be something so f**king crazy coming.” And while it may be non-wrestling related, with December just being days away, an update is due sooner rather than later.