Guitarist Ace Frehley Shares If He Would Ever Play With KISS Again

Guitarist Ace Frehley Shares If He Would Ever Play With KISS Again
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Former KISS guitarist Ace Frehley has been busy promoting his forthcoming record, “10,000 Volts,” which is due for release Feb. 23. Frehley previously issued a challenge to his former bandmates, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley. He also said his new album would make the KISS co-frontmen regret past remarks aimed in the direction of “The Spaceman.”

“I made this statement before this record even started,” Ace told Cassius Morris. “I said, ‘This album’s gonna embarrass them,’ because they can’t do a record this good. I dare them to.”

In a new interview with the “Rock Of Nations With Dave Kinchen And Shane McEachern” podcast, Ace was asked if he thought he would ever play with Gene and Paul again in some capacity. “I really don’t think it’s ever gonna happen again,” he said. “I think too much water has gone under the bridge. And I’m super busy with my new career, just as KISS ends up winding down their career, which makes no sense whatsoever.”

He continued: “They must think it was some kind of master plan that as soon as they did their last show, I was gonna (release my album)… And it wasn’t; it wasn’t that at all. There was no master plan. It’s just that I was rushing to finish my record because it was six months behind and, finally, we just cut some corners. The album would have been a lot better if I had another month to do, but I’m still very happy with the record. I don’t think there’s any filler. And there’s a large variety of songs on the record — there’s a ballad, there’s an instrumental, there’s a cover.”

Ace reiterated that he was aggravated by previous comments from Paul Stanley. 

“I don’t know what caused or went through Paul’s head when he made that statement, if me and Peter performed with them on stage, we’d sound like piss,” Ace said. ”But it really aggravated me and I got really mad and I went on the Eddie Trunk show and promised to come back in a month or two weeks and spill some dirt. And speaking to my attorney and my manager and my agent and my close confidants, they all said, ‘Why don’t you take the high road?’ And I did. And I really didn’t spill anything that most people didn’t know already.”

Frehley also commented on whether or not original KISS drummer Peter Criss would have been able to perform with the group years ago when they were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. 

“Peter isn’t the drummer that he used to be,” Ace said. “I love the guy to death. We were always closest friends and partied together, but he’s had several injuries and he’s just not the drummer he was way back when. I mean, he can still get up there and play three, four, five songs. There was no reason why when we got inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame that Peter couldn’t have performed three songs flawlessly, because he’s still got the chops; he just can’t play two hours.”

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