Find Out More About The Role Of Slipknot’s Corey Taylor in New Film, “Rucker”

Find Out More About The Role Of Slipknot’s Corey Taylor in New Film, “Rucker”
Slipknot and Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor stars in the new horror film, "Rucker."

Slipknot and Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor stars in the forthcoming horror film, “Rucker.” The movie, set for release on VOD on Jan. 4, 2022, follows Rucker the trucker, who for 30 years “has devoted his life to traveling the road as a mass serial killer,” reads the film’s official synopsis. “When Rucker picks up unsuspecting Maggie, she makes him the subject of her trucker documentary. But her life takes a dangerous detour when Rucker recruits her to complete his masterpiece: A connect-the-dots roadmap portrait of his ex-wife comprised of the women he’s killed who resemble her.”

Taylor stars as Rucker’s trucking buddy. Producer Aaron Drane cast Taylor in the role after previously working with him on his film, “Fear Clinic.” 

“He’s a rock star,” Aaron said. “I mean that in every sense of the word. He is one of the coolest guys I know, and he’s somebody who has to function at a very high level, yet really goes far out of his way to help other people achieve their art.” 

Taylor’s wife, Alicia, also makes a cameo in the film.  “(Drane) and I worked together on ‘Fear Clinic’, and apparently I left a lasting impression,” Taylor said. “He sent me ‘Rucker’ and we were able to make the time work, and it was boom, boom, boom — the rest is history.”

Drane further described the film. “What we tried to do with this film was tap into the human experience and the underlying fears associated with real-life issues. It’s real-life horror.”

Taylor is a long-time horror film fan who was featured in the 2019 horror film documentary, “In Search Of Darkness.” “My mom took me to see the ‘Buck Rogers (In The 25th Century)’ movie when I was a kid,” Taylor told the Syfy network. “I must’ve been four or five, but the trailer before the movie was John Carpenter’s ‘Halloween’. You’ve just got these incredible visuals, this sense of it’s autumn, it’s Halloween and there’s just this dude in the background of every shot. I can remember as a five-year-old just being transfixed.”

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