Ex-Wife Of As I Lay Dying Singer Blasts Her Former Husband

Ex-Wife Of As I Lay Dying Singer Blasts Her Former Husband
Original Photo Credit: www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6h2ky80iW4

Following the leak of disturbing footage of As I Lay Dying’s Tim Lambesis abusing his dog, the singer’s ex-wife Dany Ciara has issued a statement blasting her former husband. She accuses Lambesis of intimidation and coercion in an effort to keep her silent. The former couple are in the process of a divorce. 

“I did not release the videos that have come out of Tim Lambesis,” Ciara said. “Not the ones that were released in November, nor the ones that were released today. Out of respect for me, I’m asking whoever is leaking videos to please stop.”

She continued: “I will no longer stay silent out of fear of Tim. The lies being told by him in his last statement and in this recent podcast are deliberate attempts to cover up the truth and play the victim, using typical DARVO tactics.”

“There was NEVER a domestic violence investigation against me, nor was there ever a restraining order placed against me. This is public information anyone can access online. The videos that Tim claims to have of me ‘abusing him; are instances of self-defense and outbursts against his ongoing physical and mental abuse, and repeated infidelity with hundreds of people. The statement I released on October 24th defending his abuse, was drafted up by him and his new ‘managers’ to protect his career and public image. Which I have proof of.”

“Tim has continuously tried to intimidate me, bribe me, and beg me to sign an NDA in our marriage settlement stating that I will never publicly talk about him, so that the truth will be buried when our divorce is finalized, which are all recorded conversations. I also have a recorded phone call from Tim a week ago, rationalizing, and explaining why he thinks we should get back together.”

“I refuse to let dishonesty overshadow the pain and trauma I have endured any longer. Not just to me, but to others close to this as well. This isn’t just about me anymore. There is Tim’s version of why his ex band mates left AILD, and then there is the truth. There is no “irony” behind the timing of the dissolution of AILD, and our marriage.”

“Towards the end of our relationship, Tim told me, ‘In psychology, when someone hears a story of abuse in a relationship from one person, they are more likely to believe that person’s version because they were the first to tell the story.’ At the time, I didn’t fully understand what he meant, but it is very clear to me now. The abusive, cheating, narcissist will try to destroy your life & your name with lies before you can shine light on the truth. I am done being SILENT”

Prior to the dog abuse footage, everyone but Lambesis quit As I Lay Dying with the former members citing an unsafe work environment. The singer previously served six years in prison for attempting to hire a hitman to murder a previous ex-wife.  

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