Ex-Dream Theater Singer Charlie Dominici Passes Away At The Age Of 72

Ex-Dream Theater Singer Charlie Dominici Passes Away At The Age Of 72
Original Photo Credit: Mike Portnoy - Instagram - www.instagram.com/p/Czv5RBgvtD0/

Former Dream Theater vocalist Charlie Dominici sang on the band’s 1989 debut album, “When Dream and Day Unite.” Ultimately, Dominici would exit the group following the record due to a clash in styles, but he remained friendly with the band following his departure. 

Sadly, it was announced on Friday that Dominici passed away at the age of 72. 

“I am devastated to share the news of the passing of former Dream Theater singer Charlie Dominici,” wrote drummer Mike Portnoy in a social media post. “Charlie was the voice of DT on our debut album ‘When Dream And Day Unite’, recorded back in 1988. Beyond being a great singer, he also was an incredibly talented songwriter and well rounded musician on both guitar and keyboards.”

“While we parted ways with him in late 1989, he always remained a friend…fronting the band that played at mine and [my wife] Marlene’s wedding in 1994, reuniting w DT for ‘When Dream And Day Unite”s 15th anniversary show in 2004, opening for DT in Europe with his solo band in 2007 and coming to see myself & [John Petrucci] on our tour together in 2022. I was texting with him as recently as a few weeks ago when he texted me to congratulate me on my return to DT on the day of the announcement. He was so happy and excited for us all…”

“Charlie’s unexpected passing is a tremendous loss to everyone in the Dream Theater family, and we wish to extend our deepest sympathies to the Dominici family during this immensely difficult time. If you haven’t seen it already, there is a documentary on DT’s 1988/1989 era that I compiled for the ‘When Dream And Day Reunite’ DVD called ‘I Can Remember When…’ that is a great tribute to Charlie and his time in the band.”

“#RIPCharlieDominici #WhenDreamAndDayUnite”.

Dream Theater also added in a separate statement: “We are devastated to hear the news of the passing of former Dream Theater singer, Charlie Dominici. Charlie was the voice of DT on our debut album, ‘When Dream And Day Unite’, recorded back in 1988. Beyond being a great singer, he was an incredibly talented songwriter, a well-rounded musician on both guitar and keyboards, and a long-time friend even after his departure from the band.”

“Charlie’s unexpected passing is a tremendous loss to everyone in the Dream Theater family, and we wish to extend our deepest sympathies to the Dominici family during this immensely difficult time.”

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