Eddie Kingston Explains Why He Doesn’t Bother With Social Media

Eddie Kingston Explains Why He Doesn’t Bother With Social Media

Eddie Kingston uses Instagram mainly for promotional reasons and outright quit Twitter/X after he saw his AEW colleague Rhio being bullied by fans on the platform. And now, during an interview with Wilde On, the current ROH World Champion has shared his opinion on social media as a whole.

“I was raised like that, I was raised that it’s nobody’s business, and nobody gives a f*ck. You have your opinions, and as my mother would tell me, opinions are like assh*les, everyone’s got one, and they all stink. I sound like an old man here, yelling at the cloud, but I guess the age of social media has made people feel like their opinions matter. And look, folks, I’m not gonna lie to you, it doesn’t.”

Eddie Kingston

41-year-old Kingston broke into the business in 2002 and soon established himself as a leading independent wrestler. Yet, up until signing with AEW, he never managed to fulfill his potential, and at one point, he even considered selling his boots and quitting the business. Thankfully, though, Tony Khan would give him an opportunity in AEW, and over the past three years, he has shown the world what he is capable of and achieved the most success of his career.