Details Of Edge’s New WWE Contract Revealed

Details Of Edge’s New WWE Contract Revealed

Edge made an extraordinary return to the ring this past weekend during the Royal Rumble, and thanks to a $9 million deal, he will be part of the roster for the next three years.

Edge will receive $3 million per year, as long as he wrestles three matches and makes 25 appearances per year. For 2020 though, he has committed to five matches, with one of those being the Royal Rumble.

This especially generous deal is likely due to the informal conversations that Edge had with AEW before committing to WWE, and the fact WWE lacks main eventers with Edge’s name recognition.

It’s now expected Edge’s first singles match will be at either Super ShowDown In Saudi Arabia, or WrestleMania against Randy Orton, based on the angle of Orton’s vicious attack on Edge this past Monday on Raw.

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