WWE Hall Of Famer Who Was Previously Called The “Most Stoned Wrestler Of All Time” Has Given Up Smoking Weed

WWE Hall Of Famer Who Was Previously Called The “Most Stoned Wrestler Of All Time” Has Given Up Smoking Weed

Due to the damage being a pro wrestler does to someone’s body, many talents turn to weed rather than pain pills due to their being fewer side effects and it not causing long-term harm. However, in somewhat surprising news, considering he was once named “the most stoned wrestler of all time,” Sean Waltman, best known as X-Pac and the 1-2-3 Kid, has announced on X that he quit smoking earlier this year. Yet he would go on to note that he does use alternatives like CBD edibles.

“Anyway, I forgot to tell everyone I quit smoking pot 7 months ago … Still use tinctures & edibles.”

Sean Waltman

It’s well known that 52-year-old Waltman has had a long history of drug addiction, as he has openly admitted taking prescription painkillers, cocaine, and methamphetamine in the past. In fact, at his lowest point, he even tried to take his own life while working in Mexico. Still, thanks to his friends not giving up on him, he would turn his life around and perhaps could even make an in-ring comeback to finish his career on his terms.

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