Tessa Blanchard Seemingly Acknowledges The “She’s A Racist” Chants At Genesis

Tessa Blanchard Seemingly Acknowledges The “She’s A Racist” Chants At Genesis
Original Photo Credit: TNA

Tessa Blanchard has returned to TNA, and this past Sunday, she wrestled her first match back, defeating Jordynne Grace in a 20-minute bout. However, while the match has been highly praised, the big talking point was the fact fans chanted, “She’s a racist,” in reference to the allegations made against her several years ago. Still, it appears Blanchard is taking this in her stride, as the 29-year-old has now taken to Instagram to say, “Mad now? Just wait.

“Mad now? Just wait. This is only the beginning.”

Tessa Blanchard

After Blanchard’s reputation was tarnished, she took a break from the ring and instead focused on school, studying International Affairs at the University of Texas in San Antonio. However, thanks to small independent companies like XPW, she found a route back into the industry and, most recently, had been working for Mexican promotion CMLL, where she was one-half of their World Women’s Tag Team Champions.

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