Talk Is Jericho: Scott Campbell Tattoos The Stars

Talk Is Jericho: Scott Campbell Tattoos The Stars

Tattoo artist and Stupid Things For Love podcast host Scott Campbell has inked everyone from Johnny Depp to Heath Ledger to Sting to Howard Stern! He shares the stories behind his art, what it’s like to carve his creativity onto people’s body parts, and why it’s a responsibility he doesn’t take lightly! He also talks about how he got started in tattooing, the first tattoo he ever did, the ones he’s drawn on himself, and why he let Johnny Depp tattoo a Hunter S. Thompson quote on his (Scott’s) back! Scott discusses the four months he spent doing tattoos in a Mexican prison and the “frankenguns” (jury-rigged machines he built to administer the tattoos to inmates) documented in an LA Exhibition he put on after the project concluded.

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