Talk Is Jericho: Roddy Piper, Punk Rock & The Legendary Olympic Auditorium

Talk Is Jericho: Roddy Piper, Punk Rock & The Legendary Olympic Auditorium

Steve DeBro is the filmmaker behind the documentary “18th & Grand: The Olympic Auditorium Story,” which recounts the history of the historic Los Angeles venue! Steve talks about the Olympic’s wrestling and boxing history and the stories he was able to gather & share thanks to in-depth sit-downs with everyone from Roddy Piper to The Destroyer! He goes into detail about the Roddy Piper, the Guerrero Brothers feud, the infamous riot that started after Roddy played “La Cucaracha” on the bagpipes, and what happened to the LA territory when Vince McMahon came knocking. Steve chronicles the Olympic’s boxing history too, including the tragedy that marked the beginning of the Olympic’s downfall. He has tales about promoter Aileen Eaton, who ran the Olympic during its heyday and helped develop some incredible boxing and wrestling talent. He also gets into the Olympic’s foray into roller derby and punk rock and explains why the venue is so notorious for riots and violence!

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