Stephanie Bellars Reveals What Randy Savage Told Her About His Relationship With Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie Bellars Reveals What Randy Savage Told Her About His Relationship With Stephanie McMahon

In the late 90s, Randy Savage dated Stephanie Bellars after they met while she was dancing at a club, and he’d get her involved in the wrestling business as his valet in WCW. He would go on to purchase the name Gorgeous George from fellow WCW wrestler The Maestro for her. Still, once she broke up with Savage, she departed the promotion and lost the use of that name.

Subsequently, she claimed that Savage had hidden cameras in her house and that he was a big-time drug user, taking steroids and ecstasy, even appearing on Nitro while high. Now during a virtual autograph signing with Signed By Superstars, Bellars would comment on the infamous rumor that Savage had an intimate relationship with a young Stephanie McMahon while he was in WWE. Claiming he confirmed the story to her, and it was her that knocked on his door.

Originally tweeted by 🦂💗Iandrew “Dice” Clay💗🦂 (@IANdrewTheGiant) on April 20, 2022.

Back in 2004, a thread was started by Coach Tony K (rumored to be a big name in wrestling nowadays) on asking about wrestling sleaze. This prompted one member to share the rumor that Savage had a secret relationship with Stephanie McMahon when she was 14 years of age back in 1994, and this was why he was persona non grata with WWE at the time. It should, though, be noted that at this time, Stephanie would have actually been 18, so there would have been nothing illegal about them being together.

While the story did seem outlandish, considering the age difference, Savage remained on the outs with the WWE for many years did raise questions. With it believable, Vince McMahon would be bothered with a wrestler in his 40s being with his teenage daughter. However, there has never really been any way to know how much truth there was. Nevertheless, if Bellars is to be believed, it happened, and a wrestling urban legend has finally been verified.