Sevendust Singer Responds To Nickelback Praise

Sevendust Singer Responds To Nickelback Praise
Original Photo Credits: Lajon Witherspoon - Photobra|Adam Bielawski, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons | Chad Kroeger -

Nickelback is gearing up to release a new record, “Get Rollin,” on Nov. 18. The band recently released the album’s first single, “San Quentin.”

Guitarist Ryan Peake commented on the new song in an interview with WRAT regarding the heavier direction of the tune. “I don’t think it’s unusual, that type of song, for us. It’s not necessarily indicative of the whole album, but as far as rock, it’s a heavy rock song. And if you’ve seen us live, you would definitely get it, too. I think it’s nice, I kind of like that people are feeling like it’s a surprise that we could write or we could have rock songs like that in our repertoire.”

Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger also recently chatted with Loudwire about the forthcoming record. He revealed there’s one band in particular that he never wants to follow on stage again — Sevendust. Kroeger talked about Nickelback once sharing the bill with Sevendust and Disturbed. 

“It was us, then Disturbed, then Sevendust,” he said. “After the success of ‘Silver Side Up,’ there were a few dates where Sevendust opened for us. I don’t care how many records you’ve sold or how many awards you’ve won or what you’ve done around the world… you don’t ever, ever, ever want to go on after Sevendust, because they will kick your *ss and wipe you all over that stage. They are a force to be reckoned with and it is goosebump-worthy.”

Sevendust frontman Lejon Witherspoon responded with the request — “tour?” 

“I love it!” Witherspoon told Loudwire. “Chad is a good friend of mine, I love him and what I would like to say, if he could see this or if you could make sure he sees this… Take us out on tour! I’ve been talking to you about this for the last 10 years! For him to put that out there was so cool. I love him for saying that and just being honest. They can go on after us, Nickelback is great, they hold their own, but it was so cool to see that.”

Sevendust is eyeing a 2023 release for their new record. 

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