Saxon’s Biff Byford Says It’s Possible Band Was Held Back By Iron Maiden

Saxon’s Biff Byford Says It’s Possible Band Was Held Back By Iron Maiden
Saxon. (Photo credit:

Saxon singer Biff Byford said the band’s momentum in America was suddenly halted at the time of the band’s early ’80s tour with Iron Maiden. The cause? Possibly Maiden’s record company and possibly Bruce Dickinson. “… In ’83, around the ‘Power & The Glory’ time, is when we really started to break America,” Byford said in an interview with Metal Rules. “And I think something happened with the record company at that point. We were touring with Maiden — a pretty big tour — and then halfway through, it sort of stopped. So I don’t really know what happened. Maybe because you had to buy on the tours back then. I don’t know. Something happened and we were taken off and I think Fastway was moved up the bill and someone else on before them. I don’t know. Maybe there was a lot of political talking going on behind our backs. There’s people who said that (Iron Maiden singer) Bruce (Dickinson) didn’t like the way we were going down. I don’t know if that is true or not, but it has been said.”

“Maybe there was a lot of political talking going on behind our backs. There’s people who said that (Iron Maiden singer) Bruce (Dickinson) didn’t like the way we were going down. I don’t know if that is true or not, but it has been said.”

Saxon singer Biff Byford

Byford also said that the band’s “Denim and Leather” and “Strong Arm Of The Law” are on par with Maiden’s landmark album, “The Number Of The Beast.” “I just think that, for some reason, ‘Wheels Of Steel’, ‘Strong Arm Of The Law’ and ‘Denim And Leather’ didn’t really have enough momentum in America as Maiden’s albums did, for some reason,” Byford said. “I think it’s down to management and record company. I think ‘Denim And Leather’ and ‘Strong Arm Of The Law’ are just as good as ‘The Number Of The Beast.’ .. . “Power & The Glory’ could have been a platinum album — definitely.”

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