Sammy Guevara Defends Tay Conti After Fans Blame Her For His Relationship Breakup

Sammy Guevara Defends Tay Conti After Fans Blame Her For His Relationship Breakup

Over the weekend, Sammy Guevara announced on Twitter that his engagement with long longtime girlfriend Pam had ended. Due to the relationship being public knowledge due to him proposing in the ring before an episode of Dynamite, the pair wanted to let fans know. However, with no specific reason given, fans would begin speculating as to why.

One theory that picked up the momentum was that Tay Conti was involved. Seemingly due to her recently appearing in multiple photos with Guevara and the AEW star would receive so much abuse that after Trending on Twitter, she decided to delete her account. Now though, Guevara has taken to Twitter and provided more information about when his engagement ended and declared that nobody else was involved.

This shouldn’t have to be said… but my relationship with Pam ending had nothing to do with ANYONE else. Pam and I broke up back in October and just now felt was the time to make it publicly known. So please stop pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame.

Sammy Guevara

Lately, Twitter has become known as the most toxic social media platform, and while it gives fans unprecedented access to celebrities and their personal lives, a vocal minority has made it unbearable for some. Over the past few years, multiple wrestlers have been forced off the platform. While most do end up returning, not all do, so it will be intriguing to see whether Conti returns now Guevera has issued his latest tweet.