Ryback Remains Unrepentant After Vulgar Tweet About Vince McMahon’s Recently Deceased Mother

Ryback Remains Unrepentant After Vulgar Tweet About Vince McMahon’s Recently Deceased Mother

It’s no secret that Ryback loathes WWE as he is engaged in a legal dispute over the trademark of his name. Furthermore, he claims they are working with social media platforms to suppress his reach. Now though, many fans believe he has gone too far by posting a tweet about Vince McMahon’s rough childhood, calling his recently deceased mother Vicki Askew a disparaging cuss word. Yet, despite the backlash from fans, he would remain remorseless, saying that he stands by his statement and is speaking the truth.

.@VinceMcMahon like most promoters has an insatiable urge to have control. He had no control watching his mom get beat up as a child, which is a horrendous thing for a kid to witness, as their wh*re mom tries to make ends meet. Vince has failed to evolve. F*ck you old man. 😉


100% No. I stand by what I said and appreciate all the love and support from those who side with good over evil. I simply am speaking the truth on why he is the way he is and it needs to be known. Stop supporting evil. 💪


Ryback’s feelings towards WWE seemingly go far beyond business animosity, as he appears to legitimately hate McMahon. However, in the process of venting his frustration over the years, he has destroyed his own reputation, to the point that it’s hard to imagine any major promotion ever investing in him again. Which is actually astonishing when you consider how over he was in 2012 and 2013 when feuding with CM Punk.