Ron Simmons Reveals How His “Damn” Catchphrase Started

Ron Simmons Reveals How His “Damn” Catchphrase Started

Nowadays, Ron Simmons is as famous to modern wrestling fans for his “Damn” catchphrase as anything he did in the ring. Now the former WCW and WWE star has discussed the origins of the catchphrase, which he began using while part of the APA with Bradshaw as the APA on a recent episode of WWE’s The Bump.

People always tease me about it, but they never ask me the origins of it. That started when Bradshaw and I were tagging together. When something would go wrong, the people in the first six or seven rows could hear me say, “Damn.2 Each time we would go back to those towns, the more I said it, the more people started chanting it. I’d ask Bradshaw, “What are they saying?” He’d say, “I think they’re saying Damn because you say that every time something doesn’t go the way you want it to go.” So, the writers got wind of this, and they said let’s try this.

So, Booker T and John Cena are having an exchange in Chicago, and they wanted to try this. At the end of the exchange, they wanted me to simply walk out and say, “Damn,” I did, and that was how that was born.Ron Simmons

Simmons still makes brief cameo appearances on WWE television, and if he didn’t say his famous catchphrase, fans would be disappointed. He is, though, much more than just a catchphrase, and during his prime years, was a good worker. His career highlight came at a 1992 WCW house show in Baltimore, Maryland, where he defeated Vader to become WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Four years later, he joined WWE, where he was the Nation of Domination’s leader, held the WWE Tag Team Championship three times, and was inducted into their Hall of Fame in 2012.