Malakai Black Clarifies His Injury Status

Malakai Black Clarifies His Injury Status

Malakai Black last wrestled a singles match over a year ago, and with it known he was previously dealing with an injured back, many assumed he was working tag matches to help protect his injury. However, it now turns out that hasn’t been the case, with the AEW star taking to Instagram to reveal he is only wrestling tag bouts simply because of booking and that his back is fine. Although he would disclose that he has been dealing with a slight calf tear and a hyperextension in his knee but noted they are almost rehabbed.

“About a year ago or so, I made a video about rehabbing a back injury that I had. And the video shows the process, and I talk about overcoming that injury, strengthening that back, et cetera. And after the video was posted, people started running with this idea that, “Oh, he has a bad back, “and therefore, A, B, or C, which was not the case at all. And for some reason, that has found its way back. And again, the narrative is, well, it’s not had singles matches, et cetera, because he has a bad back, he nearly retired because of it, and none of these things are true.

Why I’m not having singles matches, I don’t know. I think it’s because they wanted us to really want us to be House of Black and do six-mans. I was also not in six-mans to hide said nonexisting injury. Again, rest assured, I do not have a bad back. And the reason why I am at home right now is, well, due to a minor injury, which is a slight calf tear and a hyperextension in my knee, which is almost nursed back and almost ready to go back on the road, et cetera.”

Malakai Black

38-year-old Black signed with AEW just over a month after his WWE release due to an error with his non-compete agreement. And coming off WWE television, he was immediately presented as a star by twice defeating Cody Rhodes. Nevertheless, he slid down the pecking order in the following months and went as far as to ask for his release from the company, with multiple reasons speculated. Yet his request was denied, and seemingly, whatever issues he was dealing with have since been resolved.