Horrific Circumstances Surrounding Cain Velasquez’s Arrest Revealed

Horrific Circumstances Surrounding Cain Velasquez’s Arrest Revealed

On Monday afternoon, former UFC fighter and WWE talent Cain Velasquez was arrested for attempted murder after shooting a man in San Jose. Details were few and far between other than Velasquez was being held without bail and the victim was recovering in hospital from non-life-threatening injuries. Now though, the full circumstances have been reported by the Mercury News, who have reported that the man shot was the stepfather of Harry Eugene Goularte, a man accused of committing an indecent act with a child that is part of the Velasquez family.

It’s alleged the offense took place at a daycare center run by Goularte’s mother, and following his arrest, Goularte was granted a supervised release last week. Seemingly this set off the series of events that resulted in Goularte’s stepfather being hospitalized after Velasquez opened fire on a car containing him, his stepfather, and another person.

If found guilty, Velasquez faces a significant jail sentence, as a conviction of first-degree attempted murder is punishable by life imprisonment. However, if it’s deemed that Velasquez’s actions were not deliberate and planned, he would instead face up to nine years for second-degree attempted murder.