Donald Trump Asked Kid Rock For Advice On Serious Subjects

Donald Trump Asked Kid Rock For Advice On Serious Subjects
Original Photo Credits: Donald Trump - Shealah Craighead via Public Domain | Kid Rock - Public Domain

Kid Rock recently gave a one-on-one interview to Fox News host Tucker Carlson. In a short clip, Carlson asked Kid Rock, “Why haven’t you been canceled? Like, people aren’t allowed to say what they think. You are.” Rock says he’s “uncanelable, ‘cause I don’t give a s*it. I’m not in bed with any big corporate things. At the end of the day, there’s nobody I’m beholden to: no record companies, no corporate interests, no nothing. You can’t cancel me. I love it when they try.” Kid Rock also spoke about his friendship with former president Donald Trump. He and Trump stay in touch and occasionally play golf together. “He just knows how to have fun,” Rock said. “Doesn’t take it too seriously. He’s engaging. He’s just cutting it up, open with politics.”

Rock visited the White House in 2017 with Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. He said he was with Trump “one day when he ended the caliphate,” referencing U.S. efforts against the Islamic State. “[Trump] wanted to put out a tweet … I don’t like to speak out of school. I hope I’m not,” Rock said. “But … the tweet was, and I’m paraphrasing, but it’s like, you know, ‘If you ever joined the caliphate, you know, trying to do this, you’re going to be dead.’ He goes, ‘What do you think?’ [I said] ‘Awesome. I can’t add any better.’ But then it comes out and it’s … reworded and more political, to look politically correct. And just, ‘be afraid.”

The singer also said Trump asked for his advice on how to deal with escalating tensions between the U.S. and North Korea: ”’What do you think we should do about North Korea?’ I’m like, ‘What? I don’t think I’m qualified to answer this.'” Rock said Trump “seems great,” even after losing the 2020 election, and he praised him for speaking off the cuff. “You know, after the election it was a little different there but he’s still the same guy,” Rock said. “He sits down, he just cuts it up. Just starts cutting it up. It’s just how sharp he is, it’s incredible … See now, if you watch a Joe Biden interview, and you watch a Trump interview, there’s no comparison. And Trump speaks off the cuff. I understand what it’s like, sometimes you get it wrong. But I would way rather hear somebody come from here [the heart] and get it wrong once in a while.”

Kid Rock’s new album, “Bad Reputation,” was released digitally on Monday. He has released three singles from the album so far including “We The People,” which got an accompanying video last week.

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