Dana Brooke Responds To Jim Cornette’s Disparaging Remark About Her Appearance

Dana Brooke Responds To Jim Cornette’s Disparaging Remark About Her Appearance

It’s well-known that Jim Cornette doesn’t abide by the old adage that if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all, and he proved that on his recent podcast. Whilst reviewing last Sunday’s Money in the Bank PPV, Cornette would say that Dana Brooke’s face looked like it had caught fire, and someone put it out with an axe. Obviously bothered with this, she would call Cornette out on Twitter, saying:

@TheJimCornette, how about you stop hiding behind a keyboard and come say it to my face!! Cause I doubt you would when you see me in person MARKKKKKKK – how about .. STOP SPREADING HATE & spread positivity! Dana Brooke

As of writing, Cornette hasn’t replied to Dana Brooke, but that might be because he is currently arguing again with Joey Ryan on Twitter.

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