Creed’s Scott Stapp Shares Feelings On Being Media’s “Most Hated Band”

Creed’s Scott Stapp Shares Feelings On Being Media’s “Most Hated Band”
Original Photo Credit: Republic Country Club, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Creed is enjoying a resurgence since their first shows in 12 years on last month’s “Summer Of ’99” and “Summer Of ’99 And Beyond” cruises. In a new interview with Consequence, singer Scott Stapp responded to a question about if he felt vindication after experiencing backlash to their initial immense success. 

“To comment on the word you just said, ‘vindication,’ I don’t have time in my life nor space in my heart to ever think about vindication,” Stapp said. “So I’m just looking at everything from a positive perspective, and not a way of kind of, ‘Haha, told you so.’ That’s not who I am. That never entered my mind.”

He continued: “I think the initial backlash, some of it was just part of being so big, so fast — eight straight Number One singles,” he explained. “I mean, we were all over the radio. You couldn’t escape us. I think the initial narrative was completely created by kind of the elite, critical media, kind of the cool guy club, who liked bands that didn’t sell a lot of records. So it was a narrative that was kind of generated by that niche of the media and then propagandized out there to make people think that that was the voice of the people. And as that narrative was being put out there, we were selling out multiple nights of arenas, releasing diamond records, and had stadiums on hold. So it didn’t even line up at all with the masses. Again, it was a media-generated narrative.”

“We didn’t understand because we went from being on the cover of magazines that said, ‘Creed’s the savior of rock ‘n’ roll’ to all of a sudden the most hated band by the media — not by the public, by the media. So, it was just kind of, like, ‘Hey, this doesn’t line up with our rock ‘n’ roll dream. What’s going on?’”

Stapp compared shade thrown toward Creed to negativity endured by many professional athletes. “Being that young age, of course there was some frustration, anger, hurt,” Stapp admitted. “But being where we are now, we kind of know that that’s just what comes with it. It’s just part of the deal. I mean, it happens in pro sports. Mark and I were doing an interview the other day, and he was talking about how this has happened with LeBron James. He goes from King James and then now he gets hate.”

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