Concern For Hell In A Cell Match Following Cody Rhodes House Show Announcement

Concern For Hell In A Cell Match Following Cody Rhodes House Show Announcement

Cody Rhodes is arguably the hottest star in all of wrestling right now, and at tonight’s Hell In A Cell event, he and Seth Rollins are set to conclude their feud inside the structure of the same name. With several other big-name wrestlers like Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Ronda Rousey off of the show for various reasons, it truly is Rhodes’ time to shine. Nevertheless, there is now concern that the match may be off, as, during Saturday night’s house show event in Champaign, Illinois, it was announced Rhodes was injured and therefore replaced by Drew McIntrye as Rollins’ opponent. Despite this, Rhodes would still appear as he’d chase off Rollins after the bout’s conclusion.

How serious Rhodes’ injury isn’t currently known as of writing, and it could simply be the company taking a precaution in order not to have Rhodes miss Hell In A Cell. However, it has caused concern on social media, with fans fearing the worst. It should, though, be noted WWE isn’t afraid to use a fake injury for an angle and recently did this with Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania Backlash to give her time off for her wedding to Andrade.