Bryan Danielson Reveals His Social Media Dirty Secret

Bryan Danielson Reveals His Social Media Dirty Secret

Social media is enormous nowadays, and it’s very rare to find any celebrity without some sort of presence on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. In fact, some wrestlers like Matt Cardona and Danhausen have used the platforms to take their careers to another level. However, with some considering a necessary evil, they employ others to run their accounts, and now Bryan Danielson has revealed he is amongst them during a recent podcast interview.

I have a Twitter, and here’s a dirty secret which is that I don’t run my social media. While there are times when I will post something on social media, but it is very few and far between, and most of the time, it’s my manager who does it, and I don’t know if he wants me to say that, but like he’ll post something. It’s just like, one of those things, I don’t want to do it.Bryan Danielson

It’s doubtful this news will have much impact on Danielson’s following, although it is interesting to know that his tweets, for the most part, have been carefully crafted and are basically PR statements. How many other wrestlers have a similar approach to social media, although Scott Steiner previously outed Sting for having someone else run his account. Which, in hindsight, considering Sting’s generation, isn’t that unexpected.