Big E Shares His Feelings Towards Ridge Holland Following Neck Breaking Suplex

Big E Shares His Feelings Towards Ridge Holland Following Neck Breaking Suplex

During the March 11th episode of SmackDown, Ridge Holland gave Big E an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor, with the former WWE Champion, unfortunately, landing on his head. It was immediately apparent Big E was injured, and the tag match also featuring Kofi Kingston and Sheamus would conclude in the ring without him. Subsequently, Big E tweeted out that his neck was broken and regularly kept fans informed with updates. And while not always positive, he recently confirmed that while his C1 isn’t healing as hoped, surgery is now off the table.

Now, while speaking on the MMA Hour, Big E has discussed his injury and revealed he has no animosity towards his WWE colleague Holland. Instead, revealing that he has been very remorseful and says he is a good person. He also adds that even if he has to retire, he doesn’t want this to be an albatross around his neck of the up an comer, affecting his career.

We’re good, man. Things happen. It’s a part of what we sign up for. It’s not something I ever would have wanted, but it happened. Me hating him or holding a grudge doesn’t help me at all. He’s been very apologetic, so we’re good, man. I hold no ill will against him at all.

I generally think he’s a good human being. I truly do. I’ve enjoyed our interaction prior, and I wish him well. I don’t want this to be the albatross around his neck, whether I have to retire early or not. I can hug my loved ones. I can live my life. My life is good. So, there’s no ill will whatsoever.

Big E

Some optimistic fans had hoped Big E would wrestle again this year, but with it understood, his next major checkup won’t be until March, seemingly making that impossible. Nevertheless, multiple wrestlers have returned to the ring after severe neck injuries, including Steve Austin, Edge, and Tommaso Ciampa, so fans shouldn’t be too pessimistic about his in-ring future.